Preparing For Your Root Canal Procedure

Depending on the type of damage that your tooth has suffered, a root canal procedure may be necessary to avoid the loss of the tooth. While this is an important procedure to have done, it is something that many patients will overestimate in terms of the severity or complexity of this routine dental procedure.

Root Canals May Require Two Visits To The Dentist 

One of the realities of a root canal procedure is that it may require a patient to go to the dentist multiple times. In particular, it can be common for patients to need at least two visits to the dentist. Typically, the first will be for the root canal procedure itself and the second will be for the placement of the permanent crown. Often, a follow-up visit may be needed after a month or two following this procedure, but this can vary from dentist to dentist.

A Root Canal Will Be A Permanent Treatment Option

An important benefit of undergoing a root canal procedure is that it will be a permanent solution to your tooth problem. This is due to the fact that the root canal procedure will involve the removal of the infected tissue inside the tooth. As a result, the tooth will not be at risk of developing another infection in the future. While this can leave the tooth in a weakened state, a protective crown can be applied that will help to reinforce the tooth so that it does not crack or suffer other damages. This can allow a patient to have confidence that they will not need to undergo this treatment again in the future for that particular tooth.

The Recovery From A Root Canal Will Be A Mild Experience For Most Patients

While a root canal is a relatively major dental procedure for a person to undergo, it will have a surprisingly mild and short recovery period. Most patients will find that they will experience only minimal discomfort during the actual root canal itself. In the days following this procedure, some mild discomfort may be expected. The root canal will involve the removal of the nerve in the tooth, and this can help to lessen the intensity of the discomfort that may occur after this procedure. For the first week or two following the procedure, a patient will want to be mindful to limit eating hard foods, and they will want to be extremely diligent about keeping the tooth as clean as possible.
