Does Your Child Grind Their Teeth? Know What You Can Do About It

Teeth grinding is a bad habit for a child to have, especially when they just got their adult teeth in. Ignoring the problem can lead to various dental problems, such as their teeth abnormally wearing down, increased sensitivity, misalignment of the jaw, jaw pain, and an awkward bite that can cause headaches. You must understand what caused your kid to develop this habit, and help offer them options to treat it early on. Read More 

What Are Clear Plastic Aligners?

Whether you're a parent helping your child get an orthodontic appliance, or you're an adult considering which braces are right for you, you may have questions about clear plastic aligners. Knowing the details of what these dental appliances are and how they work can help you decide whether or not plastic aligners are right for your needs. What are clear plastic aligners? Clear plastic aligners are a form of invisible orthodontics. Read More 

Does Your Child Have TMJ Symptoms? What To Know

If you fear that your child has a dental problem because of how they grind their teeth in their sleep, you'll want to consult your family dentist. Your family dentist will examine the facial structure and the teeth to see if there are any problems that need to be addressed to stop the grinding. Temporal mandibular joint disorder is often the cause of grinding, and has many other side effects as well. Here are a few signs that your child has an orthodontic problem that needs to be addressed. Read More 

2 Reasons Dental Implants May Be Preferred Over Dental Bridges

If your dentist has recently informed you that one of your teeth needs to be extracted, you may be concerned about the way that the new gap in your mouth will affect your appearance. However, a missing tooth can easily be replaced by a dental implant or a dental bridge. Still, a dental implant may be the preferred option. Here are a few reasons why. A dental implant offers the same stimulation and stabilization as the natural root of a tooth. Read More 

Calcium And The Road To Healthy Teeth

When it comes to caring for your teeth, there are quite a few different things that you keep in mind. While brushing and flossing are important, there are a lot of other factors that you should keep in mind as well. One such topic is calcium. Here is an explanation of why calcium is important for your teeth and how you can maintain healthy levels of calcium: Why Does Calcium Matter? Read More