Why You Should Not Ignore Dry Mouth Syndrome

Feeling like your mouth is dry is something many people experience from time to time, but people who live with dry mouth syndrome have this feeling all the time. The symptoms of dry mouth can be so severe that it makes it difficult for people to talk or eat food because their mouths are so dry. Living like this can be embarrassing and frustrating, and it can lead to consequences if left untreated. Read More 

Denture Implant Facts

If you have always wanted to improve your smile or bite because of missing teeth, then you may have considered dentures. While traditional dentures have always been the most popular method of treatment for missing teeth, they can slip, and even fall out while talking and eating, causing the wearer tremendous embarrassment. Non-removable denture implants prevent this from happening, and are becoming increasingly popular among those who are seeking a permanent solution to tooth loss. Read More 

Pros And Cons Of All-Resin Dental Crowns

When you go to the dentist to look at options for the replacement of a missing tooth, it is likely that your dentist will bring up the idea of getting a crown. Crowns come in all different types, and they are fabricated out of multiple types of materials. All-resin crowns are the most common type of crown, and it is for good reason. However, these dental crowns also have their shortcomings to consider. Read More 

3 Reasons Your Tooth Needs To Be Extracted

Your smile is an important part of your health and wellness. While brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist for routine checkups is essential, dental issues may still arise. In many instances, these issues may require the removal or one or more teeth. Known as a tooth extraction, this dental procedure is actually quite common. With this guide, you will learn a few common reasons why you may require a tooth extraction. Read More 

How To Make It Easier For Your Kid To Take Care Of Their Teeth

Taking care of your teeth at home might seem easy, but it can sometimes be challenging for children. To make it easier for your kids to take good care of their teeth in between dental appointments, try these tips. Choose a Child-Friendly Toothpaste and Mouthwash First of all, you should be aware that the toothpaste and mouthwash that you and the other adults in your household use might be a bit too strong for your kids. Read More