What Can A Dentist Do About Your Sensitive Teeth?

Many people experience tooth sensitivity when they drink hot or cold liquids or when they bite into something hot or cold. They shrug their shoulders and just figure that's the way their teeth are; the sensitivity is just something they have to live with. But that's not the truth. Actually, there are plenty of things a dentist can do to address tooth sensitivity. Crowns or Fillings There is a chance your tooth sensitivity is due to a cavity or tooth decay, so the first thing your dentist will want to do is examine your teeth for evidence of these conditions. Read More 

3 Things To Talk To Your Dentist About Before You Get Dental Implants

Having a missing tooth in your mouth isn't exactly going to make you look like a movie star. Whether you have lost a tooth because of some sort of oral decay or because you recently sustained a sort of trauma to the mouth, having your tooth replaced with something like a dental implant is a must. A dental implant is an artificial tooth that is surgically implanted into your gum to help replace your missing natural tooth. Read More 

Why The Drinks You Love May Turn Into Teeth That Ache

Soft drinks and fruit juices are very popular beverage choices, but they're also some of the worst drink choices you can make when it comes to your dental health. Heavy soda and juice consumption is linked to greater incidents of cavities and tooth decay.  How Sugar Damages Teeth Sweetened soft drinks often contain sugar, which can do a lot of damage to your teeth. Bacteria in your mouth eat the sugar that sticks around from food and drinks. Read More 

What Matters In A Family Dentistry Practice

Family dentistry is a very important job, but many people aren't always sure what they should be looking for in a practice. These 5 things matter a lot, so put them on your checklist when you're searching for a family dentist. Scheduling Meeting with the best dentists in the county doesn't mean much if it's hard to get appointments scheduled. Look at their published schedule and compare it to yours and those of your family members. Read More 

Will You Need A Filling Before You Can Get A Dental Crown?

Getting a dental crown can make a big difference in how your teeth look, function, and feel. But sometimes, people need a little prep work before they can get dental crowns. If you've been told that you need a filling before you can have a crown and don't know why, then read this simple guide to find out. Damaged Teeth One of the reasons that a filling might be used is if your tooth is badly damaged. Read More