Lupus is a serious autoimmune disease that leads to inflammation and damage throughout the body. According to the Lupus Foundation of America, it affects about 1.5 million people in the United States. If you're one of them, you probably already know that your condition can cause a lot of health complications, but you may not know that cavities are one of them. Here's what you need to know about lupus and cavities.
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It is normal to have a little bit of fear about root canals. You may have heard about how they can be painful, take a long time to perform, and may not even save the tooth. In order to feel comfortable about getting a root canal done, you must know the truth behind these 3 myths.
Your Tooth Will Have To Eventually Be Pulled
While it is true that a tooth with a root canal may need to be extracted later in life, it is not always necessary.
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With all the horror stories linked to root canals, it's easy to get uptight when your dentist tells you that you need this procedure. But thanks to advances in dental technology, root canals are much less painful than they were years ago. If you need a root canal procedure, here are some of the improvements in dental technology that make it less uncomfortable.
What is a Root Canal?
First, it helps to understand what's involved in a root canal and why this type of procedure is needed.
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When you have a toothache, it can mean one of several things. A visit to your dentist is the only true way for you to learn what is causing the pain in your tooth. However, until you are able to get in to see your dentist, you may find the following information helpful in understanding what may be causing your tooth to ache.
Tooth decay – Your teeth have three layers, including the enamel on the outer layer, the dentin which is the middle layer, and the pulp which makes up the center of your tooth.
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Your tooth enamel is made to withstand the daily wear and tear of chewing, but sometimes parts of your enamel may become weakened by decay, acid erosion or aging. Weak enamel can sometimes crack when you bite down on something crunchy, like a nut or piece of hard candy. If you've just cracked a tooth while chewing, don't panic. Follow these steps to take care of the problem.
Step 1: Assess the damage.
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