5 Questions About Having A Furrowed Tongue

Do you have fissures or deep cracks on your tongue's surface? This is known as a furrowed tongue, or also referred to as a scrotal tongue or fissured tongue. These are 5 questions you may have about this problem. What Are Signs of Having a Furrowed Tongue? When you have a furrowed tongue, you'll notice that there are many deep grooves or cracks along the surface. The grooves are what makes it possible for bacteria and food to become stuck in the surface, which is the cause of bad breath. Read More 

Simple Tips For Helping A Child With A Cracked Or Chipped Tooth

Having one of your child's teeth crack or chip can be a stressful experience to go through. Your child may cry constantly due to the pain, and the stress of this situation combined with the urgency of getting your child to the dentist can make it easy to overlook a few simple tips for these situations. By following these three pieces of advice, you may be able to help limit the damage and help the dentist when treating the tooth. Read More 

3 Symptoms That Indicate You May Be Dealing With Occlusal Disease

Although more and more people are becoming educated about dental issues like cavities and gingivitis, occlusal disease remains relatively unknown. Unfortunately, this means that many people fail to recognize the signs that they may be suffering from this issue. If you would like to improve your knowledge about dental disorders and complaints, read on. This article will present three symptoms that may be indicative of occlusal disease. A Brief Word About Occlusion Read More 

Grin For The Win: 3 Life Moments To Choose Teeth Whitening At The Dentist’s Office

It's always attractive and confidence-building to have great looking teeth that glow with good health. But there are three moments in life when there's extra encouragement to put your best grin forward: You're attending a reunion High school, family and college reunions are joyful occasions to remember the past and catch up with those you hold dear. Having a dental cleaning and whitening procedure done gives you self-assurance when you open your mouth to speak to long-lost family members and old classmates and lets you look your best for the inevitable photographs and social media posts. Read More 

A Few Tips For Those That Have Had A Tooth Knocked Out

When many people think of dental problems, they may imagine cavities and gum disease. However, it is an unfortunate reality that you can have teeth knocked out or loosened. If this occurs, you may not be familiar with the steps that you should take. By learning the following few tips, you will be better prepared to address this problem if it were to arise. Keep The Tooth If It Is Possible Read More