When One Stubbornly Yellow Tooth Refuses To Whiten

At-home teeth whitening systems can be quite effective if your teeth are in reasonably good health. As long as your tooth enamel hasn't deteriorated, your plaque and tartar is under control, and you don't have any untreated cavities, you'll (hopefully) be pleased with the results. But sometimes you don't know that your teeth aren't in such good health until your teeth whitening attempts lead to unsatisfying results—like one yellow tooth that refuses to whiten. Read More 

Preparing For Your Root Canal Procedure

Depending on the type of damage that your tooth has suffered, a root canal procedure may be necessary to avoid the loss of the tooth. While this is an important procedure to have done, it is something that many patients will overestimate in terms of the severity or complexity of this routine dental procedure. Root Canals May Require Two Visits To The Dentist  One of the realities of a root canal procedure is that it may require a patient to go to the dentist multiple times. Read More 

Flippers: When Your Child Loses A Tooth Earlier Than Expected

You might think that asking a dentist to make false teeth is associated with older patients, and not really something you'd ask the family dentist who treats your kids. While it's uncommon for children to need false teeth, there are in fact occasions when a child needs a single false tooth until their permanent tooth grows in. Flippers vs. Implants In dentistry, an individual false tooth is called a flipper. They're not especially common with adult teeth, since a dental implant is the preferred method for replacing a lost permanent tooth. Read More 

Older Adults: Can You Get Invisible Braces Soon?

If you're in your 50s or 60s and want to straighten your teeth, you may be wondering if invisible braces are right for you. Braces aren't just for younger people. If you have reasonably good teeth and a strong jaw, you can get invisible braces soon. Learn more about invisible braces and how to get them below. What Exactly Are Invisible Braces? Invisible braces, or clear aligners, come in materials that look almost invisible on your teeth, including acrylic and plastic. Read More 

Struggling With The Idea Of Dentures? Helpful Info To Make The Right Decision

If your dentist has suggested that it is time to consider dentures, first know that you are not alone. According to recent statistics, nearly 41 million Americans report denture usage. Even when denture use is so prevalent, many people still continue to struggle with the idea of replacing some or all of their teeth with dentures. Some of the most commonly noted reasons that men and women seem to dread the thought of wearing dentures include concerns about how the dentures will look and whether they will make it difficult to eat, drink, talk or even kiss their loved ones. Read More